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Life's a trip. 
Plan for it.
Chances are you’ve never heard of Living Benefits, as they are still a relatively new product. But when an unexpected illness strikes, a Living Benefits life insurance plan could spell the difference between financial redemption and financial disaster.
Money for 
Lost Income
A pool of money will be available to you to replace the income lost from weeks of missed work, and then some.
Money for 
Medical Expenses
Don't be limited by what health insurance will cover - you'll have money for any treatment option you want to explore.
Money for... 
Anything Else
Living Benefits money is delivered in a lump sum check made out to you, to be used at your discretion.  No limits. No fine print.

Living Benefits life insurance provides immediate and much-needed funds if you are to get sick or injured. It’s a smart and affordable way to protect your financial future in case of a cancer diagnosis, heart attack, stroke, or any other critical illness or injury.

Living Benefits provide true peace of mind in case there's an unexpected bump in the road.
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